We are a marketing machine

We do everything we can to market your property to guests and increase occupancy. The power of marketing is in repetition!

We advertise your vacation home on the world’s largest booking sites

We put your vacation home in front of over 500,000 travel agents.

American Star has connections to numerous Global Distribution Networks and a network of over 500,000 travel agents around the world. It all contributes to maximum exposure for your vacation home.

Guest review campaigns

Nothing sells better than word of mouth! Guests’ reviews are the most important factor for potential guests to look at when deciding whether or not to book your home. That’s why managing guest reviews is one of our top priorities – we make sure your guests leave as many positive five-star reviews as possible!

Online marketing

Unlike our competitors, we do more than just post your ad on all major booking sites. Experience has taught us the secret to advertising your property online and on social media to go beyond just getting exposure to getting bookings. Contact us to find out more.

E-mail marketing

The last thing guests want is tons of spam emails clogging up their inboxes. Our data-driven email platform reaches customers on a personal level, providing only the information they want. These personalized emails help retain existing customers, re-engage past guests, and generate new sales.

Our high-quality listings put more money in your pocket!

Perfect prices: Our tools work with the best algorithms to determine the optimized price of your house. We do not work with assumptions!

Beautiful photos: Our professional and eye-catching photos show your house value and amenities.

Quality advertisement: Our standout advertisements give your property the maximum exposition, creating more reservations with the right guests.