Two plans of

simple prices

Obtain your income based on the revenue your property generates or opt for the guaranteed monthly income.

Choose the plan that works best for you!

Revenue based on the performance of the property

We completely manage your property, for a low commission rate of 20%.

Get In contact with us and ask for a full presentation right now.

Make more money

The bigger the occupation rate of your property, the more money you will make.

Use your house whenever you want

Enjoy your house whenever it is available.

Everyone wins

Everyone benefits when their rental house generates maximum revenue!






Guaranteed revenue every month

You know how much you will earn every month!

American Star guarantees a fixed value to the proprietor, who does not need to worry about the amount received!

No surprises or worries!

The proprietor has the guarantee of knowing every month how much he will receive!

Long term stability

With the stability of knowing the amount you will receive every month, you do not need to worry about anything.

Enjoy your property

The proprietor can use the house up to 14 days by year in total.

Get in contact by e-mail right now, we will schedule a presentation for you to know all of the benefits of our vacation homes management.